Word of Life - October 2022


For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.” (2 Tim 1:7)


Word of life for children

For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.” (2 Tim 1:7)


The letter, from which this Word of Life is taken, is sometimes considered to be St. Paul’s spiritual testament. The apostle is imprisoned in Rome and awaiting sentence as he writes to Timothy, who is a young disciple and his collaborator in charge of the complex community of Ephesus.

The writing contains recommendations and advice addressed to Timothy in particular, but applicable to every member of the Christian community both yesterday and today. Paul is in chains in prison because he has preached the Gospel, and he encourages the disciple to face trials and be a safe guide for the community, even though Timothy is afraid of persecution and hesitant because of the difficulties involved in his ministry. It would not be in Paul’s or Timothy’s nature to suffer for the Gospel, but such witness is possible because it is based on the power of God.

“For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.”

Paul wants to bear witness to the Gospel. It seems clear that it is not talent, ability or personal limitations that ensure or hinder the ministry of the Word, but it is the gifts of the Spirit—strength, charity and prudence—that guarantee the power of witness.

If charity lies between strength and prudence, it facilitates discernment and, together with prudence, is manifested in our being wise and ready when faced with any situation.

Timothy, like disciples from all ages, should proclaim the Gospel with strength, charity and prudence, even to the point of suffering for its sake.

“For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.”

We too may have felt the temptation to become discouraged in living and bearing witness to the Word of God, and we may have been unsure how to deal with certain situations.

Chiara Lubich helps us to understand where to draw strength during such times with this Gospel commentary written in 1988:

“We must appeal to the presence of Jesus within us. The best attitude is not being passively resigned to the situation and feeling blocked by it, but moving beyond ourselves and carrying out what is required by God’s will.

“This means facing the duties to which our vocation calls us and relying on the grace of Jesus within.

“Jesus himself will develop in us the virtues that we need to bear witness to him when carrying out a task that has been entrusted to us.”

“For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.”

Strength, charity and prudence are three virtues of the Spirit that are obtained through prayer and exercising our faith.

Father Justin Nari, who is from the Central African Republic, brothers from his order, and close to 1,000 Muslims were taking refuge in a church in an attempt to escape violence from the war going on around them. They received death threats, and on several occasions the militia leaders who were besieging them asked Father Justin to surrender. Yet he continually tried to dialogue with them in the hope of avoiding a massacre.

One day they showed up with 10 gallons of gas and threatened to burn everyone alive if he did not hand the Muslims over to them.

“With my confreres, I celebrated Mass for the last time,” says Father Justin, “and my thoughts turned to Chiara Lubich. I asked myself what she would have done in my place. She would have stayed and given her life. And that’s what we decided to do.”

After Mass there was an unexpected telephone call: the African Union army was passing through the region and was in a nearby town. Father Justin ran to meet them, and together they returned to the parish. There was just 13 minutes to go before the ultimatum expired—13 minutes that saved the lives of all those people.


By Letizia Magri